Sunday, 2 October 2011




closing another chapter of my life. peace out \/
should have grab hold of your hands when I had the chance
*smacks my forehead! x)*

Those Days

My mum suddenly asked me

Which of your friend loved the 
Ban Seng's Sin Chau Mai or Fried Rice a?

Make me remember the days when you guys came over
and we had a slumber party gang,
making my room so crowded.
Having meals together,
my parents will dapao Ban Seng's food,
Jayshen and Kentwoh will be fighting for the Fried Rice.
Going to club and swim,
water slide down and making a splash.
Not forgetting making a WhirlPOOL in the Jacuzzi area.
Playing volleyball at the park in the middle of the night.
Those days were definitely fun.
And I miss them.

Shall we make another version of this when we are older and all back together? ;D

the SKY as Art

this post is all about the wonders above us =)

Sunrise!! Rise and shine to a brilliant morning!!
Time to go to class/work!
Have a nice day! :D
the Cloudy Sky shooting a Ray of Sunshine on the Beach
Blinding flash, a Roadway to Atlantis ;D
 A kid playing by the beach under the Warm, Dazzling rays of the Sun

Sunset by the Beach =)
The sky after a RainShower
Refreshingly anew. Beautiful. ^^

The hidden Sun Shines Brightly Once Again! =)
Everything is Fine and Bright again :D
The Reflection of the Sky
The Other Side of the Sky ;D
Driving along the sunset
Facing towards the Sunset
 The splendid colours of a Sunset =)

Playing with the Sun:
狗食日 eating the sun~ >.<
Sun: Peekaboo! x)
beautiful moon~
Playing with the moon.. NIKE style! xD
&... I <3 YOU! ;D
My own creation of the Sky in my room
Make your Wish =)